all the details

We're so happy you're here!

We know that making decisions about your health isn't always easy that's why we're sharing every single little detail about joining The Daily. And if we're still missing something? No problem. There's a place for you to shoot us a quick note. 

ask a question


first 90 days

...are incredibly important. Based on a brief questionnaire and some follow-up questions, Lindsay will personally match you with a coach to help you achieve your goals. At that point, you and your coach will chat through what your objectives are and the quickest, safest, and most effective ways to help you reach them. Months 1-3 are so special because they lay the foundation for a healthier life. Plus, you'll receive support from other members in The Daily community. We're proud that many of our members have become friends and continue to cheer each other on.

The Law of Momentum: An object in motion will stay in motion until it meets resisting force.
Keep pushing forward.

Access to your coach via text 24/7

daily morning motivational texts

monthly recipes


momentum memberships

access to daily events, challenges & races


By month four, you're going to be feeling and seeing a difference in your health, body and mindset. To continue the momentum, we offer two options that you can toggle back and forth between as needed.

with calendar

without calendar

As in months 1-3, you'll receive a personalized workout calendar from your coach.

You may choose this option because you prefer to have the entire month planned out in advance for you. You may also have specific health needs or goals your coach can address in your scheduled training.

You will always have the option to go without a calendar if you wish.

You will receive:

Unlike months 1-3, you will not receive a personalized workout calendar from your coach.

You may choose this option because you feel that given what you've learned so far, you can create your own calendar. 

You will always have the option to receive a calendar should you wish to adjust your membership at a later date.

You will receive:


personalized workout calendar

Access to your coach via text 24/7

daily morning motivational texts

monthly recipes

access to daily events, challenges & races



booking information

Let's work together and get this party started!

All you have to do now is fill out the form below. I will personally answer any questions you may still have. We can't wait to work with you!
